Blog: Practicing Awareness of Microaggressions
- Describe at least one example of a microaggression which you detected this week or remember from another time. In what context did the microaggression happen? What did you think and feel when you observed the microaggression or when you found yourself as the target of a micro aggression?

One example of a microaggression that I found myself as the target of was when I was the program director of a children's center. I had been speaking to a photographer on the phone about our upcoming appointment for the children's annual photos and when we finally met, she looked at me from head to toes and said "You, I was expecting a middle age white woman to be the director, well, at least you speak good English".
- In what ways did your observation experiences this week affect your perception of the effects of discrimination, prejudice, and/or stereotypes on people

This experience made me realize that sometimes we discriminate, pass judgement, and hurt others with certain comments that we make without being aware. I know that I am guilty of doing so, but this activity has helped to be more aware of how I communicate with others and how certain comments can offend or hurt others. I will try my best to choose my words wisely.