Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Getting Ready—Establishing Professional Contacts and Expanding Resources

Part 1: Establishing Professional Contacts

The steps that I took in order to contact two professionals in the ECE field was that I looked into the Facebook page "Around the world preschool pen-pals" and I sent messages to several educators through Messenger. I was able to get in contact with a preschool teacher from the Bahamas and we are now pen-pals. I am waiting to hear from the other professionals, but I will message others if I don't hear back from them.

Part 2: Expanding Resources

The Early Childhood Organization that I have chosen is Zero To Three. I chose this organization because they have wonderful information about early development and well-being, early learning, parenting, and policies and advocacy. This is a great website not only for educators, but also for parents and for anyone that would like to learn about children's development and about the ECE field.


  1. Reyna
    I also connected with one of my pen pals from the same site Around the World Pen Pals. My other pen pal I found from the Walden FB page. I would love to connect with one more pen pal. If you have any suggestions I would be greatly apreciated.I am also very excited to learn from this assignment and throughout the course.I Look foward in learning about the Bahamas! I would love to visit there!
    Misty Rolland

  2. I am going to try to connect with someone from the Around the World Pen Pals, sounds like an interesting way to connect! Did you list what you were looking for in regards to someone in the ECE field? Any tips are helpful. Good luck with your connections Reyna.

  3. It's nice to see you got connections with one in the Bahama's I also have contacted a few on that page, but haven't had much success. I am hoping that these contacts and resources will be able to expand our knowledge and understanding of the early childhood field. I know that I am excited for this semester and seeing what we can learn from those around the world. Good luck to you in making more contacts.

  4. Hey Reyna, Bahama's connection that is cool. I am waiting to establishing my contacts, hopefully by next week things should fall into place. Good Luck!
