Friday, February 23, 2018

Time Well Spent

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                  Time Well Spent
As we are ending this course, I feel that I a more knowledgeable about the early childhood 
field in general and about the many challenges that do exist within the field. I also learned about many organizations as well as other professionals that are working diligently to solve those challenges and to better the lives of young children and their families. Through my own research as well as from my colleagues posts I have learned that it does that a village to raise a child. I also learned that forming relationships and partnerships is essential in any given field. I have found great local, state, national, and international organizations that I have added to my list of resources. I am grateful for the information that I have learned from this course as well as all of the ideas, perspectives, and resources that each and every one of my colleagues have shared with me. 
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A long-term goal that I would like to set for myself is to never stop learning and providing high-quality care for the children and their families that I work and will work with. I would also like to continue advocating for young children and their families. 

A farewell message to my Instructor and colleagues:

I would like to thank you Dr. Ernst for empowering me with the knowledge and tools that I have gained throughout this course and for always challenging me to think outside the box and for encouraging me to give it my all.

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To my colleagues I would like to thank you all for 

sharing your ideas and thoughts with me. For the positive feedback that you have provided me and for encouraging me to think more in depth.
Let's keep in touch:


  1. Reyna
    Good luck to you in all your future endeavors. I wish you all the best in whichever direction your career path takes you.

    1. Thank you Jennifer and best wishes to you as well.

  2. Hi Reyna,
    Through this course I have learned that persistence has it rewards. Sticking through the good and bad times has gotten us to the end of this course. We could not have gotten through this program without each other. I wish you the all the best in whatever you decide to do.

  3. Hey Reyna,
    It was a pleasure to have this course with you.
    Good luck in your profession and never stop climbing the ladder.
    Best of Luck,

  4. Hi Reyna!
    I was delighted to get to know more about your during this course and to be able to think about things from your perspective. Your community will be better because of your desire and passion for others. I hope we cross paths again in the future.
    Let's Change The World Together!
